Attack in Volleyball

Attack in volleyball is when a player attacks the ball towards the opposing team’s side of the court. There are six types of spike attack techniques: open, quick attack, quick open, stack play, movement (flare), Back Row Attack Hit (back attack).

1. quick attack

A quick attack in volleyball means that the attacker attempts a spike before the setter’s toss ball reaches its maximum height. That’s how you try to attack in order to take away the opponent’s blocking timing. quick attacks are largely divided into three categories depending on the distance between the setter and the attacker .
Quick attacks are divided into A, B, and C depending on the distance between the setter and the striker, and are sometimes called A quick, B quick, and C quick. When the distance between the setter and the attacker is less than 1m, it is called A quick attack. In general, middle blockers (centers) tend to participate in attack a lot.

quick attack A that doesn’t give you time to block. the most common A-quick attack.

The speed is incredible, right? When you watch volleyball, you relieve your stress when you make a quick attack.
Quick attack is an attack that make people excited. It looks easy, but the harmony between the setter and the striker is more important than anything else. The setter has to predict the speed and direction of tossing the ball, and the striker has to predict in advance where the ball will come up!

Then, what is B fast attack?
It refers to a toss connected to attack within a distance of 1 to 3 meters between the setter and the striker. The most difficult C quick attack crosses the distance from the end of the court to the end and toss. It’s over 3m? It is also said that C quick attack is a quick open.

quick attack C – You’re not ready to block and you’re attacked.

2. Stack Play

The purpose of taking away the opponent’s blocking timing is similar to the quick attack, but there is a difference in the method.
The stack play is to increase the attack success rate by neutralizing the opponent’s blocking through fake movements. That’s why it’s very important to be in harmony between the bait player who deceives the opposing team and the player who actually participates in the attack. The most important thing about a stack play is to take away the blocking timing of the opposing team. This is because it is only possible to block in the air for a limited short period. Of course, the harmony between the two players who try to attack is very important.

Bait player’s acting skills are important.


3. Open Attack

Open attack is a “honest” attack method that relies entirely on the power of the striker.
It is also the most common attack which is failed by blocking because opponent easily know when and where they block.

open attack with a straight punch

4. Flare Attack

It’s an attack where you jump diagonally.
The name was given because the attacker’s jumping up looks like a flame spreading sideways. It is said that It has nothing to do with jumping. It’s an attack that spikes with your wrist and power. But I think you need to have jumping ability.

jump diagonally

5. Back Row Attack Hit

It is a method of jumping behind a white line in the middle called an attack line and then attacking.
The back attack is mainly played by the right position. The reason is that due to the nature of the formation, the right must be located behind the setter.
The setter is blocking the opponent’s view, so it is possible to attack more secretly.

suddenly appears from behind and attacks





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